Bi Partisan Collaboration the Key for Freeport

Freeport Mayor Jodi Miller is keen for pointing out that potholes, pavement, and pipes don’t care much
about political parties. When it comes to running a municipality, says the two-term mayor, bi-
partisanship and collaboration is the only way to get anything meaningful done.
“In today’s culture it’s easy for us to get wrapped up in our own politics and political ideology,” says Jodi.
“The media has politics is in our faces practically all day. But partisan politics—like the kind that’s played
in Washington and Springfield—just doesn’t work too well at the local level. At the end of the day, you
have to deliver for your people and that requires all of us regardless of party affiliation.”
Freeport’s Democratic Congressman Eric Sorenson couldn’t agree more.
" When Mayor Jodi Miller called me up with a project to upgrade clean drinking water systems in
Freeport, I was thrilled,” says Sorensen. “We rolled up our sleeves and got to work. Working together in
a bipartisan way, we delivered $4 million to improve Freeport’s clean drinking water infrastructure. We
both know there aren’t red pipes or blue pipes so we worked together for the benefit of the next
generation. I’m proud to call Mayor Jodi Miller a friend and Freeport is lucky to have their own ‘good
neighbor’ serving as Mayor.”
Congressman Sorensen was instrumental in helping Freeport secure much needed funding for the
construction of the city’s new deep Well #11 and well house.
Jodi also points to the collaborative relationship the city has developed with the Stephenson County Board and Sheriff’s Department
“I’m very proud with the relationship my team has built with our local county
government,” explains Jodi. “Collaboration across party lines helped us to secure funding to resurface
Locust Avenue this past year has made our local law enforcement efforts more effective.”
Stephenson County Sheriff Steve Stovall has endorsed Jodi for mayor.