
Freeport Mayor Jodi Miller says high speed fiber optic connectivity for every household that wants it and
every business that needs it is her goal for the city for the next two years.
“We learned real quickly during the COVID pandemic of the importance of having reliable, high speed
internet in our community,” says Mayor Miller. “My goal is to have fiber optic throughout all of Freeport
so that is available to all who need it.”
Though transportation, water, and wastewater capacity are often thought of as the infrastructure that
most impacts business and economic development, Mayor Miller contends that internet connectivity is
increasingly becoming a factor in business recruitment, retention, and growth.
“We have seen an explosion of home businesses and work-from-home opportunities in our country over
the past five years,” says Mayor Miller. “Freeport needs to be a community that is well positioned to
attract and grow non-traditional businesses and professional services that operate from home. Reliable
fiber optic internet availability is key in our efforts to grow this segment of our local economy.”
Mayor Miller says fiber optic installation by Surf Internet began last fall. She anticipates their city-wide
work to be completed by 2027.