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In her role as a private citizen, Freeport Mayor Jodi Miller took a leadership role in reviving the popular
Tutty Baker Festival after a 21-year hiatus in Freeport. The two-term mayor says she would like to see
more privately organized, family fun events like the Tutty Baker Festival organized in the Pretzel City.


“It’s exciting to see everyday people and community organizations come together to organize events for
the enjoyment of others,” says Mayor Miller. “As Freeport’s mayor, I feel it’s my duty to encourage the
creation of more events and festivals that provide our community with good family fun.”
In addition to the successful Tutty Baker Festival, which is heading into its third year, Mayor Miller points
to the wildly successful Paint the Port event hosted by the Freeport Art Museum and the growing
Freeport Eats and Beats Festival that supports dozens of local not-for-profit organizations, as examples
of great grassroots events she’d like to see more of.


Looking to support Freeport’s hospitality, dining, and entrainment businesses, Mayor Miller says she
would like to work with the city’s economic development partner, the Greater Freeport Partnership, in
intensifying the city’s efforts to attract more overnight visitors—particularly in months when tourism in
the area slows down.

“Freeport already has some of the tourism and convention infrastructure in place to accommodate and
draw more overnight visitors to our community,” says Mayor Miller. “It’s time we commit to maximizing
that infrastructure, brainstorm new and creative ideas for attracting overnight guests, create a plan with
strategies and tactics to build those two-day events, and execute that plan.”

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