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03042025 Neighborhoods Sidewalks Trees Birds Oh My pic.jpg

Doing more to improve the city’s sidewalks, making them more accessible, and improving the ‘walk’
itself is on her agenda for the next four years.


The two-term mayor says the city will continue to install ADA compliant sidewalk ramps with every
street resurfacing project. Last year the city completed a historic 12 miles of resurfacing.
Now that the city has become more aggressive in property code enforcement, she would like to explore
the city’s capacity to do more with the enforcement of sidewalk maintenance in the community. Miller
would also like to work on expanding the city’s bike and trailways system as well.


“We want to encourage people to walk and bike more in our community,” says Mayor Miller.
“Improving our city’s infrastructure that makes walking and biking in our community safer and more
enjoyable is one way we can encourage these healthy activities.”


The former Fourth Ward alderman also says she is committed to Freeport’s continued membership and
recognition in Tree City, USA and Bird City Illinois—two organizations that recognize and promote sound
conservation standards for trees and native birds.


“As our Forestry Department has been aggressive in removing dead or dying Dutch Elm and Ash trees in
Freeport” says Mayor Miller, “we have been committed to planting native oak trees in our community.
My hope is to plant an additional 400 trees in and around Freeport over the next four years.”

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